Materials Research Summit

  Sep 29-30, 2025

  Las Vegas, Nevada

  United States of America

Oral Abstract Presentation Guidelines

Selected abstract submissions will be presented during Oral Abstract Sessions generally lasting for 2 hours. Authors will present their peer-reviewed research in a specific topic area, and presentations will be moderated by experts in the field. A Scientific Overview may be included in an Oral Abstract Session, as appropriate, or a moderator may provide a brief transnational summary at the close of a session. Co-mediators will introduce speakers and facilitate audience questions.

Presentation Length and Format

Oral presenters will be allocated 25 minutes for their presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers with the audience. If the presentation exceeds 25 minutes, the moderator will shorten the Q&A period that follows the presentation.

Content Slides

Our experience indicates that up to 13 slides is optimal, allowing 2 minute per slide. You may choose to use more than 13 slides, but please be sure to complete your presentation within the allocated 25 minutes. The content slides should give an overview of the research with conclusions and future research direction.

Slide Format

Prepare slides that clearly mentioned abstract title, your name, university/comapny and country.

Speakers must check their slides twicely and listen to audio if you include anything. And also check your content, images etc..